

2.2.1 Revenue, budget and accountability

We commit to:

  1. Provide access of the public to financial information Municipal revenue returns, disbursement schedules, audit reports and annual budget.
  2. Display funds received from CG and Donors at public notice boards within 3 days of receipt.
  3. Enhance Municipal revenue mobilization and collection for effective service delivery.
  4. Prepare realistic local revenue projections that will enable us achieve 99% performance.
  5. Submit final accounts by 31st August annually as stipulated by PFMA (2015)
  6. Obtain accountabilities from all Departments and Divisions quarterly.
  7. Ensure 3 financial statements prepared and submitted regularly (half year, nine (9) months and end of year).
  8. Ensure monthly financial reconciliation reports are prepared.
  9. Ensure 100% of all staff advances are retired within a month.
  10. Process payments for creditors i.e. from requisition to payment within a period of 5 working days.
  11. Dispatch funds to Municipal departments, Divisions and others government units within 7 days of receipt from central Government

2.2.2 Internal Audit

We commit to:

  1. Prepare Audit work plan and submission for approval by relevant authorities annually
  2. Conduct internal audit activities as planned, or as needs may arise
  3. Hold departmental meetings as planned
  4. Participate to explain the internal audit report finding before LGPAG ssessions and ensure it recommendations are implimended.
  5. Submit Internal Audit reports to relevant offices monthly
  6. Liaise and Follow-up implementation status for approval of accounting officer; verifies such reports and has it submitted to IAG office for validation.


We commit to:

  1. Conduct annual HLG and LLGs Municipal assessments of minimum conditions and performance measures
  2. Carry out Participatory Planning and budgeting process at all LLGs by July
  3. Hold a Budget Conference for HLGs and LLGs by early November
  4. Prepare a five year Municipal Development Plan as required under the Government of Uganda Planning Act (2010) and NPA guidelines.
  5. Prepare Municipal integrated Annual Work plans and budget by May yearly
  6. Produce and submit consolidated quarterly performance reports to MOFPED as required by 15th of next month after end of quarter
  7. Carry out quarterly monitoring and Evaluation of all Municipal projects, programs and policy implementation
  8. Record and maintain monthly MTPC Minutes.
  9. Prepare and disseminate annual Municipal Statistical Abstract with gender disaggregated data yearly
  10. Offer guidance on planning and budgeting aspects across all department