2.2.1 Revenue, budget and accountability
We commit to:
- Provide access of the public to financial information Municipal revenue returns, disbursement schedules, audit reports and annual budget.
- Display funds received from CG and Donors at public notice boards within 3 days of receipt.
- Enhance Municipal revenue mobilization and collection for effective service delivery.
- Prepare realistic local revenue projections that will enable us achieve 99% performance.
- Submit final accounts by 31st August annually as stipulated by PFMA (2015)
- Obtain accountabilities from all Departments and Divisions quarterly.
- Ensure 3 financial statements prepared and submitted regularly (half year, nine (9) months and end of year).
- Ensure monthly financial reconciliation reports are prepared.
- Ensure 100% of all staff advances are retired within a month.
- Process payments for creditors i.e. from requisition to payment within a period of 5 working days.
- Dispatch funds to Municipal departments, Divisions and others government units within 7 days of receipt from central Government
2.2.2 Internal Audit
We commit to:
- Prepare Audit work plan and submission for approval by relevant authorities annually
- Conduct internal audit activities as planned, or as needs may arise
- Hold departmental meetings as planned
- Participate to explain the internal audit report finding before LGPAG ssessions and ensure it recommendations are implimended.
- Submit Internal Audit reports to relevant offices monthly
- Liaise and Follow-up implementation status for approval of accounting officer; verifies such reports and has it submitted to IAG office for validation.
We commit to:
- Conduct annual HLG and LLGs Municipal assessments of minimum conditions and performance measures
- Carry out Participatory Planning and budgeting process at all LLGs by July
- Hold a Budget Conference for HLGs and LLGs by early November
- Prepare a five year Municipal Development Plan as required under the Government of Uganda Planning Act (2010) and NPA guidelines.
- Prepare Municipal integrated Annual Work plans and budget by May yearly
- Produce and submit consolidated quarterly performance reports to MOFPED as required by 15th of next month after end of quarter
- Carry out quarterly monitoring and Evaluation of all Municipal projects, programs and policy implementation
- Record and maintain monthly MTPC Minutes.
- Prepare and disseminate annual Municipal Statistical Abstract with gender disaggregated data yearly
- Offer guidance on planning and budgeting aspects across all department